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Janice Yip
Oct 22, 20226 min read
If Your Retirement Figure Is $2Mil or Less, You Might Have Omitted These Needs
If you are in your late 50s - 60s reading this, $2million might be enough. If you are any younger, it's likely not going to be enough for...

Janice Yip
Aug 17, 20227 min read
Here's Why Some People Move Up The Wealth Ladder While Others Don't
After close to a decade in this industry, I've reached a conclusion why it's easier to help some groups of individuals improve their...

Janice Yip
Mar 8, 20227 min read
Why Asking 'What If I'm Not Smart Enough?' is the wrong question
According to this study featured in Singapore Business Review, Singapore has the unhappiest workforce in the world. From what I gathered...

Janice Yip
Dec 9, 20217 min read
4 Financial Takeaways To End 2021 With
It's year end and I am doing my year end reflections as a financial consultant. 2021 has been a rollercoaster year. We got 2 new Covid...

Janice Yip
Nov 12, 20217 min read
Why Solely Saving Money In The Bank Is Impractical
There's really very little incentive to invest your money or take up any financial instruments when you see your bank balance growing...

Janice Yip
Sep 4, 20216 min read
Are You Falling Into This High Income Retirement Trap?
According to an AIA study conducted between January 2021 and June 2021, 92% of Singaporeans preferred mode of saving instrument is their...

Janice Yip
Jul 25, 20218 min read
3 Golden Rules To Save Up For Your First Private Property
Ever wondered how come your peer (earning a similar income as you) might be buying their first private property while you are fretting...

Janice Yip
Jun 27, 20217 min read
What's your Biggest Money Fear?
With COVID19, we have entered a new normal. The heightened alert situation has also afforded many people more time for reflection and...

Janice Yip
Jun 13, 20219 min read
4 Money Behaviours Of Comfortably Retired People
The past few months I've been really occupied with helping clients plan their retirements. One interesting observation I encountered with...

Janice Yip
Apr 4, 20219 min read
5 Retirement Strategies Common In Singapore
Retirement becomes a growing concern once you enter your 40s. This is why it's very common to see people who started work putting off...

Janice Yip
Mar 18, 20216 min read
3 Occasions I Would Sell My investment
Recently I was asked, "you invest right? When do you usually sell your investment? Some of my investments are going up but I don't know...

Janice Yip
Feb 28, 20216 min read
5 Wealth Management Trends That Can Reduce Future Buyer Remorse
Over the Chinese New Year break, I've had some very interesting discussions with friends on 2 topics. Future trends developing in society...

Janice Yip
Feb 20, 20217 min read
How to Plan Your Retirement Concurrently With Your Other Priorities
One of the most common challenges as a financial advisor is to help clients see the value of starting retirement planning early. Very...

Janice Yip
Jan 3, 20215 min read
Your Money Mindset Will Influence Your Kids Development
Parents invest heavily in their children nowadays and even though most won't admit it, some view children as their retirement plan....

Janice Yip
Dec 25, 20206 min read
The Best Christmas Gift For Your Future Self
You always see people asking famous personalities this question, 'if you could give an advice to your younger self, what would you...

Janice Yip
Nov 22, 20206 min read
3 Scenarios To Improve Your Retirement
Recently, this question was posed to me, "if my retirement is settled, I can spend the rest of my money freely right?" In a way, it's...

Janice Yip
Apr 24, 20206 min read
5 Ways I Stay Productive During Circuit Breaker
This circuit breaker brings about mixed feelings. I find myself hugely inefficient in the day but working much more at night. Also,...

Janice Yip
Apr 3, 20207 min read
Self Employed Life, Coronavirus & Retirement
So I had lots of time to reflect on business and life because I have been trying to stay in and avoid crowds. This COVID-19 virus has...

Janice Yip
Feb 28, 20204 min read
3 Ways I Make Meaningful Use of My Free Time
It's come to my attention that there's a growing trend of people who are willing to pay a premium for free time. What do I mean by paying...

Janice Yip
Feb 6, 20204 min read
Do Not Shortchange Your Retirement Because You Did Not Try
This article is a continuation of How My Parents' Generation Saved For A Comfortable Retirement. Retirement planning is one of my...
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