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Janice Yip
Aug 1, 20207 min read
3 Financial Issues We May Face When We Avoid Talking About Money With Our Family
Talking about money is pretty much taboo within our Asian culture. So many times I've heard clients tell me they let their spouses manage...

Janice Yip
Apr 10, 20205 min read
3 Reasons Why Policy Review MAtters
I think the common consensus is that insurance is something we don't like paying for (myself included) but we need to. Partly because...

Janice Yip
Apr 3, 20207 min read
Self Employed Life, Coronavirus & Retirement
So I had lots of time to reflect on business and life because I have been trying to stay in and avoid crowds. This COVID-19 virus has...

Janice Yip
Mar 6, 20205 min read
Why Do We Need to Use Financial Instruments To Plan For Retirement?
Yes why can't we just leave all that money in the bank? You and I probably know what inflation is, however how many people who are...

Janice Yip
Feb 6, 20204 min read
Do Not Shortchange Your Retirement Because You Did Not Try
This article is a continuation of How My Parents' Generation Saved For A Comfortable Retirement. Retirement planning is one of my...

Janice Yip
Nov 13, 20195 min read
Are we too optimistic about retirement?
Do you often feel that financial articles and all financial advisors take pleasure in scaring us with regards to retirement? I recently...

Janice Yip
Nov 6, 20195 min read
How the Supplementary Retirement Scheme (SRS) Works
I'm writing this with my clients in mind because I am looking for an avenue to share the knowledge to many people at one go. What is...

Janice Yip
Oct 14, 20194 min read
Guaranteed investment. Whut?!
Are you wondering if this is some kind of scam or click bait? Trust me, this was my reaction when my relative told me she recently signed...

Janice Yip
Sep 22, 20194 min read
Why I think Everyone Needs A Retirement Plan For Their Retirement
Retirement is a definite event. There will be the day we stop work and not have an active income. It has always been my vision for all my...

Janice Yip
Aug 28, 20194 min read
What Is Your Plan To Reach Your Retirement Goals?
There's really only two ways to save for retirement. You either set aside a lump sum to drawdown from till you are no longer around or...

Janice Yip
Aug 5, 20195 min read
Why I'm sold on Lifetime Income Solutions
This idea first came to me during the year my mom was retiring. She was telling me casually, "if I got a million dollars, I'll go to the...

Janice Yip
May 21, 20194 min read
How my parent's generation saved for a comfortable retirement
My mom is comfortably retired and so are her friends. Most of them enjoy travelling and work to pass time, not for survival. No, most of...
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