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Janice Yip
Jan 105 min read
The 4 Levers That Determine Retirement Readiness
Ever wondered why some people thrive in retirement while others struggle to meet that million dollar retirement number? Today, I want to...

Janice Yip
Sep 28, 20246 min read
Are you adopting A 'Rojak' Approach to Your Retirement?
Rojak in Malay means mixture. In the Singapore context, it refers to a salad dish tossed with fruits and vegetables that reflects...

Janice Yip
Jun 9, 20245 min read
Why Most People Are Doing Retirement Planning Wrongly
If you are thinking of starting your retirement, most likely your train of thought is you are prepared to set aside $xxxx/month to get...

Janice Yip
Apr 27, 20244 min read
Are you Confusing Wealth Preservation Tools with Wealth Accumulation Tools?
"The return is too low." This is the common concern raised when proposing wealth preservation options to clients. Very often this...

Janice Yip
Jan 7, 20243 min read
Your Retirement Number - Pitfalls To Consider
Recently I met a client who told me he needs $5000/month for his retirement income. So I asked him, how did he derive this figure? He...

Janice Yip
Nov 2, 20236 min read
Is your Knowledge About Investment Linked Policies Outdated?
Table of contents Types of Investment Linked Policies Protection Investment Linked Policies 101 Investment Linked Policies Pros and Cons...

Janice Yip
Feb 19, 20235 min read
Myth: Inheritance Planning Breeds Lazy, Unmotivated 2nd Generation
Whenever I start the topic on estate planning, inheritance distribution, I get response along the lines of "I don't want to leave so much...

Janice Yip
Oct 22, 20226 min read
If Your Retirement Figure Is $2Mil or Less, You Might Have Omitted These Needs
If you are in your late 50s - 60s reading this, $2million might be enough. If you are any younger, it's likely not going to be enough for...

Janice Yip
Aug 17, 20227 min read
Here's Why Some People Move Up The Wealth Ladder While Others Don't
After close to a decade in this industry, I've reached a conclusion why it's easier to help some groups of individuals improve their...

Janice Yip
Jan 30, 20227 min read
3 Reasons I Prefer To Invest For Growth Over Dividends When I'm Young
Having worked as a banker and then a financial consultant, I've the luxury of meeting many different people with varying risk appetite...

Janice Yip
Sep 19, 20217 min read
How Will Your Hospitalisation Plan Premiums Affect Your Retirement?
Whenever retirement planning is discussed, it is common to assume expenses as what you need to spend on a day to day basis to live your...

Janice Yip
Sep 4, 20216 min read
Are You Falling Into This High Income Retirement Trap?
According to an AIA study conducted between January 2021 and June 2021, 92% of Singaporeans preferred mode of saving instrument is their...

Janice Yip
Jun 27, 20217 min read
What's your Biggest Money Fear?
With COVID19, we have entered a new normal. The heightened alert situation has also afforded many people more time for reflection and...

Janice Yip
Jun 13, 20219 min read
4 Money Behaviours Of Comfortably Retired People
The past few months I've been really occupied with helping clients plan their retirements. One interesting observation I encountered with...

Janice Yip
May 16, 20216 min read
4 Reasons Why High Income Earners Work With a FA
Working as a financial advisor (FA), it's common to hear retail consumers give reasons such as return too low, too long term, lock up...

Janice Yip
May 1, 20215 min read
Why The Idea That Financial Solutions Are 'Expensive' Is Terribly Flawed
This is going to be a pretty short article. It's motivated from meeting a number of clients who seem to perceive financial solutions as...

Janice Yip
Mar 26, 20217 min read
How Good Debt Can Help You & Bad Debt Can Harm You
As a FA, people consult me for all sorts of money issues. In the recent weeks, I encountered this question, "should I take a loan to...

Janice Yip
Mar 18, 20216 min read
3 Occasions I Would Sell My investment
Recently I was asked, "you invest right? When do you usually sell your investment? Some of my investments are going up but I don't know...

Janice Yip
Feb 28, 20216 min read
5 Wealth Management Trends That Can Reduce Future Buyer Remorse
Over the Chinese New Year break, I've had some very interesting discussions with friends on 2 topics. Future trends developing in society...

Janice Yip
Feb 20, 20217 min read
How to Plan Your Retirement Concurrently With Your Other Priorities
One of the most common challenges as a financial advisor is to help clients see the value of starting retirement planning early. Very...
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